This leaflet is a starting point for introducing literacy instruction to people who use AAC and why it is important.
To learn more about literacy instruction for people who use AAC or who have complex needs we suggest the following sources:
General literacy:
Literacy Instruction for Students with Significant Disabilities website with information and guidance
Project Core website with information and free professional development modules
Comprehensive Literacy for All book with information and guidance
Teach Us Too UK based charity promoting literacy education for all
Self Directed Reading:
PrAACtical AAC blog with tips on making books accessible
Jane Farrall presentation handout with tips and informations
Monarch Reader (formerly Tar Heel Reader) large bank of free online books
Shared Reading:
Ace Centre Symbol Chart free printable symbol charts to support reading books
Tar Heel Shared Reader website with information and free professional development modules
Letter and Sounds
Jane Farrall blog post on teaching the alphabet
Reading & Writing 4 All website with free resources for teaching the alphabet
Centre for Literacy and Disability Studies Alternative Pencils information and resources
Ace Centre Alphabet Charts free printable alphabet charts to use for writing